World Football Club

4.6 ( 7466 ratings )
Desporto Jogos Simulações Desporto

게임 특징

1. 소유하고 싶다! 과시하고 싶다! 4,000여명의 실제 축구 선수 기반 데이터 구축, TCG 카드 시스템 접목
2. 똑같은 축구 선수는 NO! 스텟, 스킬, 포지션 등 육성 방향에 따라 천차만별
3. 활발한 커뮤니티의 꿈! 실시간 채팅 지원, 스폰 시스템
4. 축구 감독 싱크로율 200%! 감독의 입장에서 실시간 팀 세팅 및 전술 구사
5. 실감나는 현장감! 매칭 시스템을 이용, FULL 2D/3D 생중계 연출
6. 끊임없는 승부욕 자극! 200여개 실존 클럽 PvE, 전체 플레이어와의 PvP

World Football Club
1. Want to own! Want to flaunt! Data construction based on 4,000 real football players, TCG combination
2. No same players! Various players through your own stat, skill, position, Etc
3. Dream of an active community! Supporting sponsor system and live chat
4. 200% synchro rate of football manager! Make use of real-time team settings and tactics as a football manager
5. Realistic realism! Full 2D/3D live motion display using matching system
6. Endless desire of winning! PvE with 200 real clubs, PvP with all...

It is an easy and convenience football management mobile game and soccer.
World Football Club has the first 3D relay system iOS versions in the world and you can get the match with world Football stars.
Let’s become a world football manager with world star players registered in FIFA who has had by famous sports.